How it all started:
Inspired by a woman stepping on a dandelion, the desire to interact with Karantina’s children 4 months after Beirut port’s explosion elevated. The “Paint a Vision” event was designed as an open and constructive venue for youngsters to express themselves by painting on a “Graffiti Mural” in their environment, as a mean to unleash their feelings in a joyful, colorful, and casual way.
The goal has been to demolish current events of disturbance and worry through empowering youth leaders and responding to their emotional cues during turbulent times. The idea has revolved around connecting and engaging with children, in age-appropriate ways, about difficult events and stressful situations.
More than 112 kids alongside 20 tutors and 17 volunteers were involved to unleash hidden distress and transform it into peace over the shaky walls of Karantina.