How it all started:
Due to the major success of BLAST which solidified Beirut’s cracks, The Ripple came as an extension to further solidify the rocked down youthful souls. The Ripple stepped in with an emphasis on professional growth, arts and writing skills to elevate people’s knowledge as defiance mechanism.
The program has aimed to provide vocational and recreational activities as a form of capacity building, psychosocial support, and livelihood enhancement through programs administered by adolescent peer educators. Emphasis has been on the involvement of youth leaders for the development of numerous initiatives in the areas of professional and personal development, arts and creation on top of literature, and journalism. Each of the three groups has focused on creating a focal point from whom the youngsters may learn new skills alongside gaining the confidence and support they need to create, develop and serve their community.
A total of 153 sessions were completed as a result of peer educator activities engaging 911 youngsters with topics pertaining environmentalism, story-telling, entrepreneurship, dance, urban restoration, etc.